Westie dog portraits, yes please!! I love West Highland White Terriers. I am probably partial about the breed as my mom has had two of them. They are affectionate and playful little dogs – but they can also have quite the little attitudes when they want their way. Jon contacted me about professional photography of his 10-year-old Westie, Winston and I was over the moon to meet another one of these furballs.
Jon selected an Essentials Photography Session and we agreed that Creekside in Gahanna would be a perfect location for Winston’s photos. This guy was a hoot for sure. He was easily left off leash and was by his owner’s side every minute. At one point, it became a little tricky to get photographs of him because he just did not want to leave Jon’s side. The only way I was able to get him to walk away from his owner was the lure of treats. But there was a slight problem with that, since he has a very sensitive stomach and too many treats would not work out in our favor. Luckily, I brought along the smelliest treats I had and gave him very small nibbles. It did the trick. Just the smell of those stinky treats had him looking at the camera.
Winston did a great job during our short session and we tried out a few different areas for his photographs around Creekside Plaza and Park. He and his owner have a great bond and I was happy that I was able to capture this super cute dog in images that his pet parents will be able to admire for years to come.
Thank you Winston and Jon for a memorable and fun photo shoot!
Just for a minute, Winston was serious for a photograph.
I love his little bear-like face!
So cute!
OH so cute!!! Best pet photographer I know!
I love Winston! He is precious. I adore your dog portraits.
He looks so happy!
These are so sweet. What a beautiful dog.
What a cutie, and what wonderful dog portraits!
what an adorable ball of fluff!