So many dogs, so little time!! We had a fantastic turnout for the Sit.Stay.Smile. dog photography event benefiting Friends of Fido MCDP. 16 dogs and $425 raised for this wonderful group. It was a successful Sunday at the Boardman studio! I was beyond exhausted from the long day of pet portraits.
If you are not familiar with Friends of Fido, they are a fantastic organization of volunteers that work with and for the dogs at the Mahoning County Dog Pound. These volunteers spend their time walking and socializing the dogs at MCDP. They also help with spay/neuter, DHLLP, heartworm testing, etc. so that the dogs can be pulled and taken to a rescue. There is some serious hard work these wonderful people do to help keep the dogs healthy and find them forever homes. I was more than happy to do this event to help their cause.
While I would love to do blog posts on each dog I photographed, it would take me days! So, I’m condensing most of the dogs into two blog posts. There was lots of fur, treats and barking at the studio that day. And every energy level and personality that you could expect from a dog!
Sit back, grab a snack and scroll through these adorable dogs that I had the chance to work with!
Oliver is a whopping 6 month old Yorkie. He totally rocked the head tilt for me!
Paddy is 9 – but had the energy of a puppy!
Murphy is 12 years old and way more laid back than his brother Paddy.
Murphy and Paddy decided the red couch would be a good spot for their photo together.
Millie’s little face is just priceless. This two-year-old mix breed gave me a run for my money with all her energy!
Maycie had a big grin on her face for most of her photos. Such a happy girl!
Seriously – that face. Andy is so darn cute!