I recently had a fantastic opportunity to capture the loving relationship of a pet and her humans. Mattie inquired about photographing herself and her husband Tony along with their dog, Tracer. She was looking for a portrait session that not only included images of the dog, but the whole family.
I beamed with excitement when I first read the client questionnaire they had filled out. The answer to the purpose of her session: “We love our dog So much and want to have ‘family’ pictures done so that we can have them for years to come. Memories through photography are important to us”. We feel the same way at our house and our animals are like family for us, too.
Initially, we were scheduled for a session at Blacklick Woods, but after a very full evening of rain the night before, we made a quick change. Creekside in Gahanna was our backup, so we did not have to worry about having a muddy dog on our hands for the photos! Our location change was perfect and Creekside always has a wide range of locations within a small area.
Mattie and Tony are unsure of what combination of breeds that Tracer might be. They think this happy 20-month old pup is Labrador and Terrier. It was hard to tell what breeds were mixed into this 80+ pound beauty. I was sure that she has some Terrier in her, with her wire-haired coat.
From the moment I walked up to them at the park, Tracer was ready to go! Although I am sure she had no idea what she was in for. With all of the noises, treats, walking around checking out the new area and of course photos – it was a full day for her! Mattie emailed me that evening and said someone was passed out most of the afternoon when they returned home from photos.
I’ll let the photos do the talking on how much this family loves their dog!
Yep, someone was tired by the end of the photo session!
What beautiful family portraits! You can tell that that is their baby and they love her very much. Tracer sure is a pretty girl. Her eyes just sparkle.
Love this dog and great images.
Love this location and all of these images!!
love his whiskers. what a cute dog!