It was a full schedule for the Kibble & Pics dog food drive to support Alchemy Acres in Salem, Ohio! The event, held at Boardman Park, was a great success. Clients donated over 160 pounds of dog food! In return they received a 15-minute portrait session for their dogs. I was thrilled to have so many folks come out with their dogs to benefit a great cause.
I was so excited when Ashley contacted me about the event. In 2011, I photographed her dog, Bailey, who took second place in the Cutest Dog In Columbus Contest. During Bailey’s session, we realized that we were both from the same area and grew up maybe 20-miles away from each other. Ashley was going to be in the Youngstown area the weekend of the event for her class reunion. It was perfect timing for me to
photograph Mohawk, the newest addition to their family.
When I was packing up our home in Columbus for the move to Youngstown, I ran out of boxes. Ashley had just moved into a new home and had a lot of boxes for me. So I had the chance to meet Mohawk when he was just an itty bitty little puppy. I was amazed at how much bigger he had gotten since I saw him last year.
This cutie Beagle mix really does have a little mohawk, hence the fun name. Mohawk was too funny checking out everything at the park for his photographs. He was full of energy and all over the place. I was able to create some adorable photos of him in the short time we had. A few of my favorites are below.
Next on the list, getting Ashely to come back to Youngstown for a visit so I can photograph her two Beagle mix dogs together!
He knows who has the treats and what he needs to do to get one!
Who wouldn’t love Mohawk’s little mohawk?
One of the few serious moments he had for his photographs.